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The Climb--聽歌學(xué)英文
2010年11月26日  作者:  成都譯網(wǎng)-成都翻譯網(wǎng)-成都翻譯公司  瀏覽選項(xiàng):    本文已被瀏覽 1740 次







I can almost see it 依稀可見
That dream I'm dreaming but 縈繞心頭的那個(gè)夢想
There's a voice inside my head saying 腦海里卻響起一個(gè)聲音
You'll never reach it 你永遠(yuǎn)也到達(dá)不了
Every step I'm taking 我邁出的每一步
Every move I make feels 一舉一動(dòng)
Lost with no direction 都似乎迷失了方向
My faith is shaking 我的信念開始動(dòng)搖
But I, I gotta keep trying 可是我 我還是要不斷嘗試
Gotta keep my head held high 還是要昂首挺胸
There's always gonna be another mountain 生命中總是會(huì)出現(xiàn)一座又一座高山
I'm always gonna wanna make it move 每一次我都希望能夠?qū)⑺鼈円谱?/TD>
Always gonna be an uphill battle 卻總是會(huì)遇到艱難的挑戰(zhàn)
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose 有時(shí)我不得不承認(rèn)失敗
Ain't about how fast I get there 不在于多么快地到達(dá)峰頂
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side 不在于山那邊是怎樣的風(fēng)景
It's the climb 重要的是攀登
The struggles I'm facing 我所面對(duì)的困難
The chances I'm taking 抓住的機(jī)遇
Sometimes might knock me down but 有時(shí)會(huì)令我一敗涂地
No I'm not breaking 但我決不會(huì)就此垮掉
I may not know it 或許自己都沒發(fā)覺
But these are the moments that 這些瞬間卻成為
I'm gonna remember most, yeah 我最深刻的記憶 是的
Just gotta keep going 只管繼續(xù)前行
And I, I gotta be strong 我要 我要變得更強(qiáng)
Just keep pushing on 只須奮力前行
'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain 因?yàn)榭偸菚?huì)出現(xiàn)一座又一座高山
I'm always gonna wanna make it move 每一次我都希望能夠?qū)⑺鼈円谱?/TD>
Always gonna be an uphill battle 卻總是會(huì)遇到艱難的挑戰(zhàn)
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose 有時(shí)我不得不承認(rèn)失敗
Ain't about how fast I get there 不在于多么快地到達(dá)峰頂
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side 不在于山那邊是怎樣的風(fēng)景
It's the climb, yeah-yeah 重要的是攀登 是的 是的
Keep the faith 堅(jiān)守信念
Keep your faith 堅(jiān)守你的信念
It's the climb

